146-147: Farewell in This World

146-147: Farewell in This World

Farewell in This World

I had to watch so many comrades dying in the tent. Mr. Sakamoto, the first-class private, from the town of Ohyodo, who was the only person from Nara, the same prefecture that I was from, was suffering with symptoms of dehydration from malnutrition and an inability to move. He had difficulty breathing too. As I had to leave for my labor for the day, I encouraged him to survive until I came back with some kind of food for him, and I left the camp. However, when I returned, his body was gone. I could not find him anywhere. After I went back to Japan, I tried to look for him again, but it was in vain. There is no way to find out what happened to him.

End of February, 1946